CHC’s 2018 program featured an interactive federal policy discussion, an insightful look into the Terner Center on Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley’s LIHTC Resident Survey findings, a 2017/2018 California legislative update by two housing champions from the California Assembly and a thoughtful keynote speech from United States Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho.
The day started with a federal policy update from by David Gasson from Boston Capital. David spoke of tax reform, the Omnibus and a Congress in flux, covering what has happened recently and what lies ahead for federal affordable housing policy.
Carolina Reid from the Terner Center on Housing Innovation at UC Berkeley presented findings from their LIHTC Resident Survey, titled ‘Why Affordable Housing Works For Those We Serve.’ She shared how LIHTC promotes housing stability, economic mobility and improved educational outcomes for children.
This year’s honorees were:
Public Sector – U.S. Senator Mike Crapo, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, Assemblymember David Chiu
Non-Profit Sector – Cesar Covarrubias, The Kennedy Commission
For-Profit Sector – Michael Costa, Highridge Costa Companies
Lifetime Achievement – Mary Murtagh, EAH Housing
Thanks to all who attended and congratulations to those who were honored.